Hi, I had this dream about an angel a year ago, and it's been driving me crazy trying to figure out the meaning of it. I wrote it down in my livejournal the morning I had it, so it is well-detailed and I haven't forgotten it. This was what I wrote down: I was at a fair or some other celebration thing. Everyone was bickering about what we should do, blah, blah. Then the dream changed. It was still taking place in the same place, but the people were different. I was with three other adults and roughly 10 young kids. Well, something bad happened and the kids all ended up in this big mass of water. They couldn't swim. Myself and another adult I was with saw it happen and we jumped into the water to save them. I got three of them out and then I started to pause. I thought, "You can't do this." And because I paused I almost let one of them (who happened to be my favorite) drown. Then I looked over at a corner and saw a black man standing there, and I was instantly drawn to him. I went over to him. He said hello and how brave I had been. I told him how I had doubted myself. He said he knew. I asked him how he knew that. He told me that he was an angel. He started to talk about how most humans expect too much of themselves. Then he said, "but you, you expect too little of yourself. Aaron was the most awkward boy, but he still went on with confidence." Then I realized that we had completely forgotten about this little boy named Aaron. We had let him drown. Then the angel continued, "Aaron was the most awkward boy on his little football team. He walked strangely and he acted strangely. He knew perfectly well that all his coaches made fun of him. But he kept playing football his way. And every time he got the ball he almost scored a touchdown -" The background behind him started getting lighter. "I'm going to miss Aaron," I said, wanting to talk to him more. "We all will," the angel said. But he kept fading into the light. And then he disappeared. And I woke up. I apologize for the length. :? But I've been trying to figure this dream out for quite some time. I know that angels are messengers and that his message, "You expect too little of yourself" is important, but I wanted to see if I could get any ideas from you guys. Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Hi, I'd like to know how much of this is correct compared with your awake life? Are you a teacher or coach of young children or in other ways taking care of children OR others? Maybe old people? Does the Aaron or Aaron symbol in the dream exist, or is he purely a mind picture? I suppose it would not have to be a child in awake life, but could be some one or something else who/which is out of place but still hanging in there giving things a good go. Is there any truth in what the angels say? That you expect too little of yourself i e dont live or act to your potential or hesitate and therefor miss out on things? Sorry for just posing questions, but it seems like a good first step. ;-) //K
I don't mind the questions; feel free to ask anything you'd like. At the time, I was a tutor at an elementary summer school. I would like to be a teacher, but I'm not one yet. I honestly have no idea who Aaron was/is. I never tutored a kid named Aaron, and I never got any image of what he looked like. I think he might just be more of a symbol of anyone who feels they are a misfit but still keeps fighting anyway, but I really am not sure. Yes, I do find it to be quite true that I hesitate too much. Hope this helps