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Dream about ex boyfriend.... what does it mean?

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by Holly Marie, Sep 3, 2009.

Dream about ex boyfriend.... what does it mean?

    Holly Marie

    Holly Marie New Member

    Sep 3, 2009
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    Recently , I have found an amazing person that i want to spend the rest of my life with , but i keep having dreams about my ex (first love) . Up until i met this man I haven't been able to get over my ex. I keep having dreams about my ex and I being together . Last night i had a dream that him and I were sneeking around behind his new girlfriends back and we were at someones wedding then all of a sudden we were outside his apartment hiding under his window while she was standing at the top . I don't understand why i keep having dreams like this ... can someone please help me

    sharyn New Member

    Sep 3, 2009
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    Ex boyfriend

    I don't have an answer for you but I joined on here today because I had a similar dream last night, only a little stranger. In the dream I was still married to my X-husband (who is now my X because he cheated on me all the time), but I was with cheating on him at a hotel with an ex-boyfriend of mine (who also cheated on me all the time), we were in a room off the front of the hotel by the lobby, the following day I was to attend an old friends wedding in the room across from the lobby, to make things stranger, the old friend who's wedding I was to attend cheated on her husband in real life with my X-husband; why I would go to her wedding I have no idea. Anyway, I get up in the morning and say out loud..."Oh well, I better be straight up and tell tom I spent the night with you, and I really don't want to go to the wedding with either of you", so my 2 sisters show up and we go into the wedding together. My sisters kept saying, "where's the food", there was no food except for desserts, tables of long strawberry shortcakes"...
    So...on the same thread, ex boyfriends, ex husbands, wedding...but I was doing the cheating...not them, and I didn't care. If it matters, I am happily married now with a man that would never cheat on me, I've never been a cheat and have no interest to do so, just seems dumb to me, if things aren't good with one person to complicate it more with another one...get rid of the first issue before starting on another! S

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    It's very common to dream about exes.

    The dreams could mean that you still have feelings for your ex or that there are issues in the relationship that were never resolved.

    The dreams could also just be a way to enjoy pleasant memories of good times that you had together - particularly if they are sexual dreams.

    You might also dream of an ex if he or she had a quality that reminds you of someone in your life now. For example, if your ex was very tight with money, and now you have a boss who is very tight with money.

    You might also dream about your ex if a situation is happening in your life now that is similar to a situation that is happening with your ex. For example, if there was cheating in your past relationship, and now you think that someone in your life is being dishonest about something. The dream could be a way for your unconscious mind to get you to learn from past mistakes so you don't repeat them again.

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