<This is also in my dream diary> I had a dream a couple days ago that was very strange (when are mine not?). Unfortunately, I had to jump up to get ready for a class (as I got up a little late), so my mind, you might say, went from 0-60 really fast when I woke up, causing me to forget the dream and think about other things. I do, however, remember the tail end of it. And so I don't forget THAT, I'm going to write it down here. :\ My mom and I were making our way from bizarre place to bizarre place, meeting equally bizarre people. We had a goal--we were trying to get somewhere or do something, but were being given the run around in this freakish dreamish way. The last bits I recall are us being told by some man (a janitor or something??) that we had to go down this hallway to a room at the very end of it. So we entered through this door (from literally outside) and were in a long grey hallway. All the doors were open and these extremely rough looking women were standing in them, looking at us as we passed. Some had small children with them. It made me really uncomfortable so we hurried through. We saw the door at the end and opened it. My mom stepped through onto a paved area, fenced in. Like a parking lot? I can't remember. No cars or anything, though. There was a guy on the other side of the fence. We had seen him before in the dream. He actually was some sort of janitor or something. He was minding his own business till we came out, but then he watched us. He didn't do anything, but I don't think he approved of us. My mom walked over to the edge of the place and was looking around. I stood in the doorway and held the door open because I didn't want to go out with her and let the door shut and risk being stranded out here. But then these... giant bees? Almost the size of small birds it seems like. They came over to me and were buzzing around me. But I couldn't shut the door on them cause my mom would be stuck outside. One of them stung me and I remember getting really sick from it. After that I don't remember anything. (By the way, when I think about going out that door, sometimes I think of just a paved area, with that guy outside the fence. I know that part was accurate. But more often, for some reason I imagine a roof, like on top of a tall building. Then I think of the bees. Maybe it changed mid-dream, or maybe that's just what my brain tried to reconstruct after the few days since I had the dream. Dunno, but whatever.)
Interesting characters. Rough women, janitor, and bees. If it were my dream, I think I'd try to associate something or someone with the characteristics of these characters. Do you know someone who is "rough" or a troublemaker? Or perhaps someone who knows how to defend themselves? Do you know of someone who is always cleaning up after everybody else? Do you feel you take on extra responsibilites for other's messes? Is something "bugging" you? If so, what? The scene is also like a maze with a dilemma--should you stay or go back? Sort of like working yourself out of a predicament. Is this like a current situation in your life?
I am transferring to another school, far away. My mom wants to move out there with me some time. Everything's sort of... weird. And my classes are hard this semester. Maybe I'm just afraid of ending up like the women in the hallway. XD Er, as for bees and janitors, I got nothin. X) My mom might be the closest thing to a janitor in real life (D, but she was with me in the dream so they wouldn't represent her (?).