I was at this carnival with my sister and at the door they give you this little ring that has a tracking device in it. You must wear it all times so they know where you are and once you enter you're not allowed to leave. I don't remember the beginning of the dream but i know we were being chased by a guy that wanted to kill us. He wanted to rule the world by killing everyone in it and later i found out that he owned the carnival and the tracking rings were there to help him track down his victims and kill them. If you run away and don't die then you get arrested and thrown in jail. My sister and I snuck out the back entrance and gave our rings to a near by couple and slid down the slide. At the bottom there were 4 egyptian coins and they seemed pretty important so i picked them up and we ran away. The cops were chasing us because we didn't die so we ran and hid in a small building. We walking inside and there was a long hallway with many rooms, We walked to the end and saw a big door with 3 coin slots. I took the coins out and placed them in the slots and pulled the big lever. The door opened and we ran in. There were 4 rooms and each of them had a bed in it. The beds were very strange because they were missing parts. One was a long rectangle like a normal bed but a huge square was cut out of the bottom corner. The other one was missing a square from the middle and one was missing two squares and the last one was missing all the corners. Also all the beds has restraint straps on them and i said out loud that it looks like an Egyptian room where they strap down the people to turn them into mummies. But it looked like a normal bedroom, in a normal apartment aside from the freaky bed. I heard someone running down the hallway and knew i had to shut the door because he didn't have any coins to open it. I saw a mail box near the door and pressed the button inside and i heard a doorbell ring. There was a key stuck inside the button, the button looked like a lock. I turned the key and pushed the mail box forward and the door shut and i woke up.
A carnival is a place where you go to have a good time and forget about the negative things in your life. In the dream, when you go to the carnival, the owner of the carnival either kills you or puts you in jail, so in reality, the carnival is not a way for you to escape. I think the dream is telling you that you have to face up to a problem in your life or the fact that something in your life is going to change and you can't avoid it. Dying in a dream often has to do with going through a change, so the dream is saying that if you try to prevent the change from happening, you will end up trapped (in jail.) About the Egyptian coins and what you said about mummies - the ancient Egyptians were very big on preparing for life after death, which fits with the idea of death representing a big change. Putting the coins in the machine and pulling the lever sounds like playing a slot machine/fruit machine - about having to take chances in life. The beds with the missing parts could have to do with the fact that in life, whatever choice you make, you will have to make some sacrifices. Life isn't perfect no matter what. There's also the saying, "You've made your own bed, now lie in it."