Last night I had a dream that I think would be categorised as more as a nightmare. All of it isn't clear but this is what basically happened; It began with this possibly Indian lady who is a demon. Thinking about it now, she could actually be my maths or science teacher at school, but I'm not too sure. She was sitting in a shopping centre (which was near empty) I visit much, and I can exactly remember where she was sitting. She was also sitting with one or two other people, but I didn't take notice of them. When I walked by her I knew she was a demon because one of my close friend's dad told me about her, I'm pretty sure anyways. She said hello and how are you and I answered politely and walked off to the top of the shopping centre, thinking if being polite was the best option or should have I been rude because she might only want to possess nice people. Weird, I know. I can't really remember EXACTLY what order my dream went in, but I'm pretty sure this came next. I met up with my mum later on and we walked back in the direction of the demon. She was still there and said hello and stuff to my mum and she asked if we could visit her for a coffee sometime, and my mum said yes we will arrange that soon. When my mum and I left, we went back up to the top of the shopping centre. Oh, and we were also with my little brother. I didn't want to tell my mum that the lady she was just talking to was a demon, because I knew my brother couldn't be trusted with knowing that. I'm not sure how but I eventually told her without him hearing. When we approached a cafe (that was closed for the night) we have a lot of friends working in, the husband of one of the managers/owners of the cafe came towards us and I think warned us about the demon. For some reason, I don't think my brother was no longer there but I guess a lot of the times dreams don't really make sense. Anyways, then my mum and I were planning of moving, with the family of course, but for some reason we couldn't. Maybe the demon would just have become angry and followed us. The high school I attend is very close by the shopping centre so I think my mum and brother drove home and I walked to my high school. If you remember me mentioning the dad of the close friend of mine telling me about the demon (it is in bold), well right now I'm talking about that dad's other daughter (she is older than my close friend), if that makes sense. So this girl, let me call her Amber, is like a professional demon hunter I guess. It is either Amber, her dad that told me about the demon, or the husband of one of the managers/owners of the cafe in the shopping centre (it is in bold), told me to make a group and make sure you stick in it, otherwise it would be impossible to defeat the demon. At that stage, I was freaking out because there wasn't any weaknesses of the demon and there was no where to hide. The really freaky thing is, is that the dream felt extremely real. This next bit is quite weird. On Facebook, you can make groups like for example; 'Best friends' where you chose the people that are ideal for that group. Yesterday, on Facebook, I was looking at one of my friend's profile and noticed that I was in his 'Best friends' group hahaa. There was this one girl who wasn't in it and asked about why she wasn't, like as a joke. Let's just call this girl Layla because she comes in my dream soon. So anyways, as you needed to make groups in my dream so you can defeat the demon, the groups were exactly like that group I was just talking about on Facebook and three people were left out of our group, one including Layla. We had 8 people in our group and the maximum a group can have is ten, so I think two more people came in, and the one left over went to another group. Just after our groups were made and we were going to hunt down the demon, I woke up :sleep: quite scared :scared:, but then really relieved it wasn't real because it felt so real. So that was my dream, what does it mean?
Do you think that some people are phony, or that they aren't who they seem to be on the surface? Could the demon be something about yourself that you don't like? In the dream, you have to become part of a group to protect yourself from the demon. Do you want to be more popular, or do you have issues with getting along with other people?