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confusing dream.....

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by Samantha85, Aug 27, 2007.

confusing dream.....


    Samantha85 New Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    I can't figure out this dream...I have been having it for a long time, but each time I go a little further in the dream. this is as far as I have gotten in like a year. if you could help it would be great. thanks!!


    okay. so I am in a maze, one of those giant people mazes right, and I am like walking along, but I can't turn any way except th same way I turn all the time. even when I try, I can't so I am still going along, trying to turn different ways, but I can only go the way I usually go. I end up at a dead end in this maze. like a wall of green, then like a flower comes out... HUGE flower with big leaves that are different colors like "eats" me but not really just kinda like takes me to the other side of the wall, but its a morgue. and I am standing in frount of all the doors where dead people stay....I can only open one door. I can't not open it. and I can't even try to open other ones, kinda like the maze. so I open this door. and roll the person out. but they are not there, I mean they are but they are in a bag, I can't see who it is, because the bag is like white.... I freak out and wake up.....

    Demogurl New Member

    Aug 30, 2007
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    There are very frequent dreams which involve mazes. Mazes usually signify travel, and the twists and turns you have to take to reach the end. The end is usually death, or new life.

    This is similar to your dream, I think, but you always go the same way. You phisically can't go any other way, your mind wont let you. I think that your dream is telling you what your life will be like. Full of twists and turns, but smething in you will always lead you to the smae place. The flower. The flower, that's huge and brightly colored, it signifies joy, a stark happiness you had never known before. The happiest you have been, or ever will be. Through this flower, you enter, and find yourself in a morgue. You go to one particular drawr, which you open and see the body under the sheet. But you never pick it up because, in your dream you are afraid of what you will see. Since you wentinto the morguethrough the flower, that could mean that the thing that gave you such happiness, may lead to your death. That's why you won't look under the sheet, you don't want to see your dead body looking back at you. It could also mean, that the thing that gave you that happiness is under the sheet, and you don't want to see it dead.

    I think, that the reason that you keep having this dream in segments, is because you are still in the Maze, your life, and the flower, the happiest thing in your world, hasn't shown itself yet. Once it does, you will have the courage to lift up that sheet, and see what exactly is laying beneith it.

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