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confusing dream about cuddling and arguing naked with ex gf

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by kespirit, Apr 28, 2012.

confusing dream about cuddling and arguing naked with ex gf


    kespirit New Member

    Apr 28, 2012
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    The only parts I remember about this dream is being a on a bed about to sleep and convincing my ex girlfriend to lay next to me. (the relationship ended badly and she doesn't talk to me now. I also have a girlfriend currently of over a year). My ex laid next to me and we cuddled but sometimes she would move my hands away from certain areas. In the dream, I remember feeling as if we had just gotten back together and the cuddling was something I was missing (My current girlfriend is away for an internship for 3 months so I haven't seen her in a while). The next thing I remember is being on a couch completely, both of us naked, me just talking to her but then the conversation broke into argument. The argument was really about nothing. I just remember feeling a sense of comfort for even being casually naked. There was actually another girl on the couch completely undressed participating in the argument on my side but I did not recognize her. The last thing I remember right before I woke was looking at the clock and date and seeing that it turned to January 1st but the last date was Nov 31st (that date doesnt even exist and also we skipped the whole month of december). I screamed "Hey we didnt die!" (referring to Dec. 21, 2012 i guess). I AM SO CONFUSED!!!! what does all that mean???

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    It's possible that with your current girlfriend away, you have been thinking about the differences between her and your ex and comparing them.

    Your ex's moving her hands away from certain areas could be a reminder to you that while your current girlfriend is away, other women are "forbidden".

    You and your ex both beng naked while arguing could have to do with honesty - not hidig behind clothing. Do you feel that there have been issues involving honesty either with your ex or your current girlfriend? The other girl who you didn't recognise could recommend your sensitive, caring side. Maybe she is a message that you should be more sensitive.

    I think the part about you not dying has to do with you going through a big change in your life and getting through it OK. Missing a month could have to do with time that you wasted in your life fighting with your ex.

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