4 years I got seriously beaten up by two older boys, I nearly died... A few nights ago I had a dream that I introduced myself at a party to one of the boys, he replied "right outside now" like he was going to start a fight on me, but he didn't we walked for hours talking about problems, and he said sorry for beating me up years ago - The following night at the pub he walked past me at closing time and gave me a look that I thought suggested he was going to start on me, a few moments later he came back and said "You may remember me, I beat you up a few years ago, I had a awful temper then, I am very sorry for that"... And - Last night I had a dream that two of my friends had a car crash, and one of them died, and I saw 4 firemen pull his limp body out of the window... Should I be worried about this second dream - I have noticed the number 4 has had 2 seperate connections with two different dreams... I am wicca, and practice Divination, is this my Divination skills progressing? Thanks in advance for any advice/help...
I don't believe dreams usually predict the future like that, in a divination sort of way, though I'm not saying it's absolutely impossible. I'm surprised you haven't had the first dream lots of times before considering the details of what happened to you. Usualy when someone dies in a dream it is a metaphor for something ending, like a relationship, or perhaps your friends are moving away out of town, or they already have moved away, or they're just growing older - you get the idea? I think if you are actively trying to increase your skills in divination you may have dreams about divination but they are unlikely to turn out to be true; I think most successful divination like crystal ball gazing is carried out when you are awake, using a different type of consciousness than the one you use when you are asleep.