6-19-06 dream I'm working on a project for school. I'm not sure if it's for college, high school, or for my job now. The project is to make a collage of a book I've read about a man (the main character) and the supporting characters. I dont know now what the book was, but my collage contains pictures cut out from magazines. I have a cut out picture of a man ( a doctor) surrounded by a woman and a few other people---not sure now who they are. I'm trying to put other pictures in that deal with the actions in the book and settings and things. Unfortunetly, I'm on a dead line and I must get it done by the night. My teacher tells me I must include questions from an outside character, one not in the book, in bubbles like in comic cartoon strips. The character must be a sociopath. What sort of questions would a sociopath ask these characters. I'm racking my brain trying to come up with question to put on the poster when I wake up. Some background on this: I work in a school setting and I just finished reading a book titled The Sociopath Next Door.
I never read that book. Do you think the book itself might be the the reason behind the dream, that the story invoked some awareness in you that you might like/need to explore?
http://www.bookbrowse.com/reviews/index.cfm?book_number=1530 I think everyone harbors at least one aspect of the sociopathic personality. However, while reading the book and learning the tell tale signs of such a personality, I'm happy to report I am not a sociopath. It did make me look back on my life and wonder who I would put into that category. I had a so-called friend that I would definetly put there. I ended the association, this was years ago, and have learned that the best defense is to stay away from such people. After the dream, I did try to think of former classmates, teachers and so forth who might fit that bill. My grandneice was threatened by an ed. tech of another student after my grand neice reported her to her mother (my neice) and her other teacher. The ed. tech's charge assaulted my grandneice and her ed. tech denied it happend. After my grandneice complained, the ed. tech told her that if she thought this year was bad, wait till next school year. My neice put a restraining order on the ed. tech and her student. To sum up, yeah, the dream does tie in with issues surrounded myself. :shock:
Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I tried to summarize the situation with as little words as possible. It's quite possible that a grown woman in a professional setting, that would threaten to torment a 7 year old at school , is a sociopath. According to the author of The Sociopath Next Door, this type of personality covers about 4% of the population, about 1 in 25 people. They are not all seriel killers, as myth would have it. Disturbing! :shock: