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beautiful dream

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by rainydragoon, Feb 1, 2011.

beautiful dream


    rainydragoon New Member

    Jan 31, 2011
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    Hello all!

    I had the most detailed,strange and lovely dream I've had in a while a few weeks ago. I've come up with a few of my own conclusions about it but would love to share it and see what you all think. This isn't a lucid dream, just a very vivid one.

    The dream began with me and someone else in a library. We were on the highest floor of this library- it was a many levelled one and so we were quite high up. The library itself looked very antique and old. Somehow I knew that my male friend was in a way pregnant. I somewhat humorously understood in my dream that this wasn't possible, but yet believed it to be true. The fact that he was pregnant really upset me in the dream because. I remember feeling somewhat betrayed by him, or that he was a different person than i thought he was. Still I decided he needed guidance about his pregnancy, knowing that this friend was a male and might not be educated about it. I flipped through a book on fetuses and the womb for him- a gigantic book with full colour pictures- a bit magical looking but also hilarious for me.

    Afterwards we played a very strange game of pinball and i don't remember entirely how that happened. I think that the book had the pinball machine inside it, or behind it. The dream suddenly jerked to a time of chaos within the library. Someone in the distance dropped down dead, and then I looked down another aisle and another person fell dead. I turned to my friend in horror, and he took out a gun and said that he had killed them. I was confused when I heard gunshots closer by, the gunshots of the actual murderer i realized. My friend laughed and said that he wasn't the one who had killed those people, that it was a joke, and the gun suddenly disappeared into the air. I was very relieved.

    We decided to jump out the library window. Outside of the window was a large body of water, very clear and light blue. We were high up, so the jump down took a long time. We seemed to be jumping into intense sunlight because there was lightness all around me and we were both incredibly happy. When we reached the water there was no pain or shock. Instantly we were watching a water-dance performance by swimmers that was very beautiful. They were circling and holding hands, creating almost a whirlpool. We both swam over to see if we could participate. The dancers were very friendly and said we could. We joined in on the swimming dance circle. At one point, a large jellyfish appeared, the same size as our dance circle. We each grabbed the edge of it and pulled it underneath us like one of those parachutes i played in as a child in school. After we were all underneath this parachute jellyfish-like thing we sank to the bottom of the water. We could breathe underwater now. All of the dancers, everyone looked at each other and laughed lots. It was such an incredible feeling of happiness and creativity.

    i know that was long ! but thanks for reading it and any comments you might have
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2011

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    I agree that the dream has a lot to do with creativity, especially the part about the pregnancy. The fact that a man was pregnant is your unconscious' way of pointing out that it isn't a real physical pregnancy.

    People being murdered can also have to do with creativity - getting rid of old ideas to make way for new ones.

    The water can symbolize your unconscious.

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