Hello everyone, I'm new here and wanted to get some thoughts on this dream my son had last night. Do all dreams have meaning? My son had this dream last night that is just a bit odd to me, does any one have a suggestion of a possible meaning? He woke up crying screaming my name in the middle of the night --- Mom where are you and acting like he was totally lost. Anyways he said that he had a dream about balloons, All these balloons kept falling from the sky and each one that fell ended up eventually popping, when the balloon popped there was another one of me standing there. So at first it was just me and him --- then a balloon popped which made him and 2 of me.. Then another popped so there was him and 3 of me – and so on, until the room was full of a bunch of replicas of me and only one him. Then he said more balloons kept falling and when they popped they were him but he said some were of him as a baby, some as a kid, and some that he said looked like him but were older. So then the real him was trying to figure out which one was the real me and he got lost. Any ideas?
I think your son may be going through a phase in his life where he is trying to define his identity as something different from what he thinks you expect or want of him. popping a balloon = bursting your bubble?