A week or so ago i had an awful dream, i think i'm just being stupid, but it was definately a one of a kind dream! My dream started with just silly stuff like talking to people and being in places i had been that week. However, the more vivid part was, i was in my room when i had a terrible pain all around my mouth, i went into my bathroom, and i opened my mouth to check it. When i did, i found i had two sores on my two front teeth, one on each. It was like..not blisters, it was soft skin, but it was terribley sore. I touched them and they receeded into my teeth. Then i strained my mouth to reveal the rest of my teeth, you know, that cheesy way when you show all your teeth off..and my gums came away from my teeth, and opened up, then more i strained, i could even hear it ripping away from my teeth.. I've never had a dream like this before, and i'm wondering what it all meant.. Because it was horrible! Thanks, Claire.[/FONT]
Hi and Welcome! Dreams about the mouth and teeth are very common. Here's one interpretation from this site: Teeth Dreams Dreaming about teeth is very common in all cultures and age groups. Most dreams about teeth leave people feeling uneasy and anxious. Consider the overall content and context of the dream and note if you are having dental problems before making interpretation. Teeth usually symbolise power and/or control. Animals use their teeth for defence and nourishment and show their teeth when they are angry. Humans often display similar behaviours. Look and see if you are losing or abusing power and control in any area of your life (especially if you are losing teeth in your dream). Old dream interpretations say that dreaming about teeth is a bad omen that suggests financial difficulties. https://www.dreaming.life/t-dreams/teeth-dream-meanings.htm