Sorry, i couldnt think of a better way to put it. This has happened to me several times. I've had a dream where i can see everything around me in my room. Difference is theres all this weird dreamy stuff happening (it varies). I dont know if i'm just dreaming that i'm in my room or if i'm awake but still dreaming. One time this happened was when i was around 9, i was asleep and a keaped picturing my room, sum wierd stuff happened and a woke up. Or so i though. I would awake again in my room and sum more dreamy wierd stuff happened. The cycle continued several times until i fell out of my bunk bed and finally woke up for real.
That kind of thing happens a lot, to a lot of people. Kind of lucid dreaming and out of body experiences all at once. It's very common, though it used to freak me out a bit when it first started happening.