Again i had another death dream last night this one was about me. from what i remember a man from labrotory called on the telephone,he told me that 3 of my blood tests came out wrong.They where lower than they should be ,but there was one of the three that was red flagged(a danger zone)..he told me i only had 3 months to live and than i would die in March..........he told me i had pulmunary edema.he said he was called me because he tried to reach my doctors but he could not contact them ,so he was calling me instead. Than i got very upset in my dream and i went searching for help,there was a nurse i found and she was smiling and happy and didnt take me seriously when i told her what the labratory said,,she said it wasnt true.and was trying to explain to me......i was searching for my doctor and i could not find him......... no one n the dream took me seriously except me. this is such a strange dream,these repeating dreams of others dying and being told i would die not only prohibits me from sleeping but is really starting to scare me.
You may be suffering from anxiety disorder. Have you made an appointment with your doctor? It wouldn't hurt to have a physical. Again, death dreams are common when going through life changes. But if it would help to ease your mind, then see your doctor.
You may be suffering from anxiety disorder. Have you made an appointment with your doctor? It wouldn't hurt to have a physical. Again, death dreams are common when going through life changes. But if it would help to ease your mind, then see your doctor. i just had a checkup,so its not that to my knowledge. Maybe its changes to come? thanks