So, today I woke up from this really bizarre dream. I'm not sure exactly how it started because I woke up around 7:00 before falling asleep again for a couple more hours. Anyways, what I remember is that I'm talking with some people. I don't remember seeing their faces but it sounded like we were getting ready for something big. We're out on a street somewhere, an overcast sky, hardly anyone around. Next thing I know it's raining and it's raining hard. The other guys and I are fighting someone or rather something -- that of the body of a human; a mixture of black and yellow for its skin color, eyes are shut but I get a close-up and as they open I see this sort of horizontal golden zig-zag running across each eye. No pupils at all. There was some lightning as well but I don't hear any of it. At one point I start to see numbers floating about. They start to dive ridiculously low and glow red to which I shout a command and they rise up again. I'm not sure what happens to the guy we were fighting but next thing I know there's a woman dressed in red in front of me. It's still raining pretty hard but I could only see half of her face, more specifically from her nose to her chest. Now she's holding a gun, silver-plated, probably a .45 or some variation. She points it to my left and her lips begin to move. No words come out of her mouth though. I just remember being mesmerized at the whole thing; more specifically at how clear everything had looked.
It does sound amazing. Do you think the "epic battle" could be between different forces in yourself? The creature with zig zags instead of pupils makes me think of seers in Greek mythology who were physically blind but had another way of "seeing". Red seems to be an important colour in the dream. Could that be related to passion? Anger? The black and yellow of the creature with the strange eyes makes me think of a bee.
One of my passions includes videogames which probably explains the floating numbers being there as a way to keep track of how my allies are doing. And the woman with the gun, it's strange, because I know that I was standing in front of her but it looked like she was aiming at something behind me. That must sound crazy though to have a dream like that. Do you think the lightning/flashes of light, heavy rain, or yellow mean anything in the dream?
The woman aiming the gun behind you could be a message that there is a problem you aren't noticing or aren't paying attention to. A heavy storm can have to do with strong emotions or a feeling of strong internal conflict, but lightning makes me think of a powerful force that can be very dangerous but that can also be very helpful if contained and put to good use (electricity). The color yellow can have a variety of different meanings, depending on the dreamer and the situation. I think what is important is the kind of yellow that appeared on this creature? Was it a dull, sickly looking yellow, or was it a bright, glowy type of yellow, or something else? You said the creature's skin was black and yellow. What was the pattern like? Was it stripy and bee-like, which is the way I am imagining it?