Hi First time posting here. I was hoping someone could help me out with my dream. I seem to have it when ever I am going to see my ex again. This is a little stranger than the others though. I don't remember all of it though which is what makes me so confused. Litte Back ground: My ex and I broke up a little over a year ago because he was cheating on me. We "hooked up" one more time since then but haven't seen each other since March of last year. I have dreams about him every so often, like the last time I had a dream about him he text'd me wanting a "booty call" and another time he started leaving horrible messages on my live journal. I have since moved in with someone and do not desire to leave him and try to get back together with my ex...not even a little bit. But so there you go..here's my dream (what I can remember of it). I'm sitting in my grandparents living room with not only my current bf but my ex as well. We are all having a conversation about how I should get back together with my ex when suddenly I stand up start yelling at everyone! I keep saying, "I'm not going back to Brad! He's hurt me too many times! Dave loves me he takes care of me! We live together!" But no one seems to be hearing me because they just keep repeating themselves..."give it another chance." and "I really think you should marry Brad not Dave." The dreams ends with me crying and appologizing to Dave (my current) because I had no idea that they would say those things about us. It's not much to go on I know, I don't need to be completely clear just someone elses view would be nice . Also, my grandparents (nor my parents) never liked Brad (my ex) and so, I wouldn't know why anyone would want me to be with him again. PinkPrincess
Congratulations Pink Princess!! You are our 100th member!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arty: arty: arty2: arty2: arty1: arty1: :wee: :jumping:
I think your mind is just going through different possibilities: what if you were to go back with your ex. I think your grandparents are just there in the dream to present an alternate possibility, to suggest that you are better off with your ex. It's normal to dream about different possible outcomes of events in our lives. It doesn't mean that you would go back with your ex in real life or that you would even consider it. Just the fact that you felt so strongly about the matter in your dream shows that you've made up your mind in real life.