10-25-07 I'm on an assembly line and a woman is molding clay into replicas of different religious and mythical icons from around the world. The student I work with at school is also there and helping to paint them. There are only 3 different colors to choose from--magenta, turquoise, and dark blue. Different assembly lines have different colors. I inquire about borrowing different colors and I remark at how fast the woman is building the sculptures. I'm almost envious and disappointed that we can't have more paints. Then I'm told I have a call from "not on the continent." I pick up the phone and the woman on the other end is my late friend Susan who died of cancer last year. She says, "Hi, how ya doin'?" I say "Good!" Then total silence. I wake up smiling. It almost felt like I really heard from her.
Your a very special if not gifted person like a disciple/teacher or something, with a area of expertise and you want to do more than you can do but should undertand you can only do so much. The call may represent that your works gives you a link to heaven as it makes you feel good about it.