Hi, I had this dream about receiving a lot of money. Here it is: I am at school, and suddenly this teacher comes up to me and he says I am going to receive 550 million euro's from him. He gives me this creditcard and the password and username that allows access. He tells me I will need to wait for 3 days before I can actually access it. Strangely, I have a cash dispenser in my backyard, so I can check dayly if the amount is on the creditcard. At first, I think that it is just too good to be true. My mother won't believe it is real either. However, 3 days later at school I get a contract which says: Hereby I, Rick, accept the receivement of 550 million euro's. Also, I will receive eternally free access to all Chinese hotels. (No idea why that was in it, but it sounded exciting!) I remember going completly hysterical over the amount of money, and even when I woke up I was looking for the contract! How crazy is that? What do you guys think it could mean?
Heh, you just reminded me that I've had a page about money dreams sitting on my computer for nearly a week, just uploaded it now: Money Dreams