one of my best friends shows up in my dreams regularly and has inspired much of what caused me to explore other spiritual possibilities, which sent me into a whole new line of precieving the world. Junior year i had my first boyfriend since kindergarten (who is starring in the journal entry "heartless"). im still dating him now, he'll graduate highschool in a couple weeks! we've bonded and have been dating for a year and a half, but i think our relationship is not working out because he devalues his side of the relationship and i feel like the whole weight of it is on my shoulders.
BobW: in the large scheme of things, i had just started highschool. my mom had just divorced a husband and remarried another guy by reflex (tragic move on her part). hes a nice guy now, but the family had a lot of issues to work out that they never did, and that only got worse, including a huge sum of debt on the husband's part. i was raised nondenominational christian and still stick to my roots, but i went through a spiritual change that set me outside of what the church thinks as "godly".
It also occurs to me that, since you are posting dreams that occurred over a long period of time, it might help if you gave us some idea of when you had them, and a thumbnail sketch of what kind of issues you were facing.
Thank you for your note. If you have not as yet sent one to Marcia, I'd recommend it. You're giving us a lot to work with here. What are your own thoughts on this series? Do you see some common themes? Free associations? Can you decipher any of the symbolism? How do you feel when you wake up from them? Your answers - however tentative - may go a long way to telling you what they are trying to say. It helps that you are a very good writer. I've found in keeping a dream diary and posting on this site that it helps a lot, in writing up a dream, to go beyond "just the facts" to incorporating your responses, feelings, connections you perceive with the waking world. Give all of this some consideration, and keep posting. Bob