I had another dream about my husband leaving. this time he got back together with his ex girlfriend Sheryl. I was trying to stress to him to stop cheating on me but he wouldn't listen. I don't get why I am having these dreams. This is the second time he was in my dream. again typically I don't see him in my dream. ANY HELP PLEASE?!?!?!:rasta:
First question: Are you having any problems at all right now? Did you see this chick recently or just have a passing thought about her and it bothered you more than you thought? Did something happen that made you think this might happen? It's always possible that it's just an inner fear-type thing revealing itself.
that's the weird part...I haven't thought anything bad about our relationship or had seen or heard anything to bring in such an idea. but i am always scared that we will run into one of his ex girlfriends since we live in the same town he went to highschool at.