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Dream involving explosions, planes, and all around destruction

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by pisceschick87, Dec 13, 2008.

Dream involving explosions, planes, and all around destruction


    pisceschick87 New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    So i had a dream that i was walking down the beach just thinking about stuff when, in the distance i see a massive storm approaching from the left. For a moment i just stare at it- completely amazed at how big it is and the speed at which it's approaching. Then i realize "oh crap! Time to go!" and i take off running for this building that looks pretty sturdy...

    Sometime later in the same dream, the storm ends up surrounding us. I look outside and were definitely inside the storm but it wasn't a regular wind, rain and lightening storm. I look out in the distance and see explosions. Pretty big ones. I look up to see whats causing the explosions, and there are planes dropping bombs on us from overhead. I see one coming right for us and i instinctively get down. I feel the building rumble but i am ok. I look outside where the bomb hit and stare in amazement. Thats when i woke up. I'm so freaked out by this dream. It feels like something really big is comin... Anyone have any ideas as to what else it could mean? Thanks in advance
    sweet slumber

    sweet slumber Moderator

    May 14, 2005
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    I used to have dreams like this a lot. I actually miss them. Things have been pretty study and relatively calm the past few years and that's probably why. Before that, things were up in the air and I didn't have a clear direction for my life.

    The dream for you could be a manifestation of unexpressed desires and creative talents. Maybe a lot of things are coming your way but your not sure where you are heading.

    I'm curious. You say you feel that something big is coming. Do you mean for you personally, or something more worldly?

    pisceschick87 New Member

    Dec 13, 2008
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    Definitely something more worldly
    sweet slumber

    sweet slumber Moderator

    May 14, 2005
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    We live in turbulent times. There's a food shortage worldwide, the economy is poor almost everywhere. The dream could be a reflection of all those negative things. I often have dreams of war and dystopian states. They reflect my concern about the growing police state political climate happening here in the U.S.

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