Being Chased I have dreams of being chased by madmen and I am always trying to hide and hide my family. I think it has to do with avoiding something running away from something and it manifests as creatures, madmen, and rapid dogs!
I used to have recurring chase dreams, only I never saw the face of what was following me because I didn't really know what I was afraid of. I just knew that something was bothering me. When I realized it was just uncertainty, the dreams went away, even though it still bugs me. Only, I was always alone. Why do you think your family would be in these dreams? Are you worried about them as well? And by that I mean, do you feel like something is threatening all of you? Madmen, dogs, etc.... In the realm of the mundane, it makes me think of robbers and other things you could conceivably meet in some form or other. But you also said you thought it was just you. Are they just caught in some crossfire, then? Your own guess is probably right. Do you have any ideas, then, of what it might be?