Please help in analyzing this dream I had while in college ~26 years ago. In my dream I was in an area I've never been before. It was night time, the roads were brick, the buildings were brick. I assume it was wartime as there were dead bodies laying on the ground. I heard "boots coming" so I layed down and pretended to be dead like the others. Three soldiers came up to me. One of them stuck his boot under my stomach and rolled me over onto my back. I remember laying on the ground trying to peek out my eyes to see. One of them raised up his rifle and bang, bang, bang. I could feel all three bullets hit me and I'm sure my body shook in my sleep. I felt no pain. Almost instantly I was now looking down at my body, and the 3 soldiers. I just kept going higher and higher. I thought to myself, "I just died, now where am I going". I kept going up and up and then woke up. I had no fear of dying for some time after that dream. Also, when I told my roomate about it, he asked me if the body I saw laying on the ground looked like I do now, and I instantly said no, the guy had dark hair. Mine is strawberry blonde, what is left of it now. Past life or what? Never had it again.
Hi and Welcome to the forums. I had a similar dream to yours at about that sime time period. Instead of being shot however, I was caught in an atomic bomb mushroom cloud. My theory is that dreams of this nature that have a lasting impression transend regular dreams and could even be a portent of the future. Afterall, we've had many wars and conflicts in the world since you (and I) had those dreams.
I got shot 3 times There are other dreams I've posted that stand out as much as this one. I've alway's had the feeling that this particular dream took place in past time. I feel it was a glimpse from God / Universal Good Force of LAD. How can Man/Woman expect to reach / join perfection in one lifetime on Earth? At least I feel I'm getting closer, but still have a long way to go.