Hi, everyone...Here is one I was hoping to get some help with : I'm standing by a pool, then a gigantic crab crawls out and chases me back to the house I grew up in. Once I get in the house it starts to fill up with water (ocean water, near the coast when I was little), and I feel like I brought the water, guilty or something. The dream ends when me and my parents drowning side by side in the entrance to the house. First time I had this dream, I was nine years old, but I've had it at least three more times.
It sounds very much like you have left something undone, and everyone is coming back to you to say, "close the door!" so the water won't come in. I still have a dream or two in my "archives" as well - but the "bad" ones do not come back to me - I just remember them because of their high adrenalin factor, I'm sure. Can you remember anything else about your dream?
Yeah, I can give a bit more detail. First, I was on a basketball court with some other people, and one side of the court was a small pool. The front door was closed and we went up toward the ceiling for about 30 ft. We reached the top and my mom went under. Just to come clean, I've never really had the same exact dream, just other "bad" parent dreams. I was thinking my dream wasn't important enough to post or something. You are saying I felt like something was coming to haunt me that I had struggled with?
"Coming clean" are perhaps the key words here. Moreover, I sense you are having issues with parents, which may be normal. But that you wrote of them, tells me that you are sincere in finding out why. When was the last time you had a talk with your folks? A serious, whole-hearted, honest talk may be something that your dreams are saying "now is the time". Truth is, all dreams are important to some extent. Some just recapture your day, or give you insight as to what may be coming up to greet you in the next few days to come. Some, however, stand out so much...that to share them helps others say, "hey, I know that feeling...sensation...fear....desire." It's lucky we've found such a site to share such matters!
I don't know if you actually have left something undone in real life, or this is just normal worries about what you should have done or what could happen.
Dream thoughts I really need some thoughts on this dream. My friend had a dream that she and I were together. I was driving and somehow I hit a drunk man. The man was not dead at the accident. Thx for any interp Fee
It's wierd since I don't live with my them anymore. Last night I had one involving me and a dwarf man who I have never seen before. We had a tension, so I sat in front of him and we argued. I was stubborn and he was witty and quick. I picked him up and carried him while stroking his deformed legs - I felt a strong love for him suddenly. I remember my parents being there. Next time I see them in a dream, I'll just ask, "What exactly do you think you're doing here?" :wink:
Ponderer Hi greensophie. my name is kimberly and i am new to this community. I like to interprete dreams(or least try anyways). I read your dream and came up with a possible meaning. Please feel free to let me know if I was off base or come pretty close. thanks. The ocean dream is recurring because it occurs when you are feeling out of control. You are probably involved in a relationship at this time that is causing you to feel out of control. It could be a boss, teacher, boyfriend/girlfriend or very close family member. Only you know who it is. The only thing I will add about the person is you feel like this person is Holding you back. Hope I was of some help.
KIm, You've got it right on with the teacher bit! I absolutely despised him, and never told my paretns. He got layed off from his job at a cigarette company and got a job at my school since his wife worked there. I was pretty miserable at the time of this dream, I was kinda hoping for a good, guiding influence, but nope!