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DreamScape Three

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by Sunshine, Aug 5, 2005.

DreamScape Three


    Sunshine New Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Dreamscape Three

    Have I opened a pathway, by accepting the reality of unconscious stimuli?


    “Hers was a life of honor and genius; respect that, if nothing else.”

    Last words first, as the scape came through in three levels.

    It was all geometric design, in an arid country, clearest blue skies, not a hint of cloud. Akin to the treasures of the Yucatan, it seemed, I was high upon the old blocks of buildings from long ago, but I saw below me a maze, and had to traverse these obstacles in some way to cross the water to get to the other side, because I knew someone was waiting.

    As I steadily worked my way downward, I realized I was in an advanced age and had to tread carefully, cautiously, being sure of each footstep. The journey seemed effortless. Half-way down, I looked again at the geometric complexity of the landscape before me, and realized that the maze was larger than it first appeared, and wondered if I would be able to find my way out again.

    Above me a voice came from someone, who said to wait – he would show me the way. I did not trust the voice, and proceeded alone.

    The graininess of the huge blocks of stone was very clear to me – it seemed that throughout all stages of the dreamscape, tactile sensations were very pronounced. I continued down the light colored steps and stopped to try to perceive their exact color. A deep blonde color is the best that came to me then, and now. Not golden, not tan, no hint of red or gray…just a deep warm blonde color of stone.

    By now I was down to the main level and was apparently “following my senses;” I knew my way out, it seemed. I came up to a stone bridge with lovely hieroglyphics and below me was a very deep chasm with the bluest water and raging white caps, which indicated a rushing river, but I was not afraid, and crossed the bridge to the other side. The voice from behind me was calling out for me to wait, but I could not – I was expected to appear “somewhere” and felt that I was running late.


    After a moment of turning in bed, it was about 2:30 a.m., I fell back into a second dream.

    This one was short and very much “present time”. As I work in a law office, it did not seem strange at all that I was surrounded by stacks of paper that seemed to be growing young tree limbs. [As we often refer to the cutting down of trees in huge lawsuits, this made sense to me.]

    A huge sigh escaped me [perhaps in real as well as in dream] and I set myself down upon a very high chair and began working through the stacks. [To say that my workload is overwhelming at present is most obvious]


    Then the dream veered again.

    Still seeming to be in some part of the [my] office, I was at a work counter, which was clear and clean of any papers, machines, etc. Immediately there were three men around me. My left hip was adjacent to the counter and I was standing quietly, listening to the men talk about a woman.

    I knew the man immediately to my right – he is a partner in the firm, very tall and at times, can seem over-powering in his presence, but he was not, at this time, threatening in any manner. Immediately in front of me was a dapper, older gentleman and I remember him with clarity.

    A third man stood in back of the second man and he seemed to be in shadows. I would say he is of average height, but other than that, I can give no further detail.

    It was the conversation of the men regarding a recently deceased woman that held my interest. I seemed to be invisible to all but the one man, the second one. He was dressed in a somber, light colored gray suit. He wore a cream colored shirt against which lay a soft yellow tie. He wore a very brilliant small red carnation in his lapel. His hair was silver gray, receding from the brow, but very smooth and soft in appearance. His eyes were a light, clear blue, and he alone seemed to know I was there.

    The man to my right was talking of the woman’s funeral, and his voice seemed angry, gruff, disenchanted with the process.

    “How dare they make such a display of her passing! She should have been placed into the ground with little fanfare. Did you see that casket; it was a mockery of her estate. She did not deserve such tribute. It would have been better had she been cremated. That was what I had advised them!”

    I was surprised at this display because this is not the normal actions or words of this man in real life.

    The dapper gentleman seemed perplexed, saddened. I was very surprised at my sudden physical closeness to him. In some way, I seemed to be standing at the counter, but my legs also seemed to be entwined with his legs. I was either sitting on the counter where he had one leg up on the counter, and my leg were over his – but I also seemed to still be standing. I did not seem to think the closeness to be odd, and he seemed not to notice it at all. He did look away from the man on my right, as it looking out into space, but all that was opposite him was a wall. At this time I noticed that he wore a cuff earring on his left ear. On that silver earring, I saw the hieroglyphics from the stone walls carved into his earrings.

    He was remorseful over the dead woman. He turned then and looked directly at me, without saying a word, but intimating that I might speak, to say something, anything, to break the tenseness of the moment.

    My voice seemed to come clear low, sure, and strong.

    “Hers was a life of honor and genius; respect that, if nothing else.”

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    You seem to have very complex story-like dreams a lot like myself; I wonder if you write stories at all yourself, or do you think about such things a lot - I do? I think you have to figure out which parts are the key images and symbols in your dreams if you want to figure out a meaning for them or, if you aren't disturbed by them, just wait for the next episode in your dream life and enjoy it. :)

    Sunshine New Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Yes, it appears I take up a bit of space with your dream site, don't I? I apologize for that. It seems important to me to capture as much of the dream in order to find some insight / interpretation for it, even down to the smallest of things - like the cuffed silver earring on the man, which to me, led me back around to the more ancient times of the steps.

    Yes, I write, and thank you for noticing. I belong to another site as well, poetry and prose, et al., and will soon have a novel coming out.

    Again, I'm sorry if my ramblings take up too much space, but do wish to thank you for the eyes and thoughts.

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Please don't apologise, the more stuff about dreams the better; lots of people will read them and think, 'hey, I have dreams like that too!' and get a lot of reassurance from them.

    Plus it's better for you not to leave anything out as it lets your brain know that you want to remember everything, which in turn makes you remember more. I think that's what you were saying too? :)

    Sunshine New Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Exactly what I was saying, Sir. For the first dream that I had posted here came to be here because of another of your members, and she felt I would receive some good insight.

    At the other site - where I shared the first [2nd and 3rd dreams] I had some wonderful input as well. One of the readers went so far as to send a private e-mail, imploring that I "look and strive to see more detail" within the dreams.

    I have experienced dreams such as the three here from my earliest memories; some from childhood which I still remember to this day with great clarity - down to the tone of voices, of the physical feel of a particular experience.

    I believe dreams hold great awareness for us outside of our conscious life. I also believe that they can comfort us physically. As with the first dream that I posted here several weeks back - I still enjoy a tremendous comfort from thinking back upon that dream, because I believe it portends what is to be - in that I do have a novel that will soon be out on the market.

    I am also aware that outside influences - media of any kind, play a great role in what we dream. Finally, I believe that if more people shared their dreams, we would all find out, once again, that we are more alike to one another than we would otherwise imagine.

    *Smiling* - again, thank you for looking into this and sharing your thoughts. Should you care to go deeper with any interpretation, or even your feelings on the various segments, I would very much appreciate that kind of input.


    LeeJ New Member

    May 17, 2005
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    Kari, Hi and Good morning,

    As much as I believe dreams are insightful, I also believe that some are perhaps a result of astroprojection? I dunno, but your ability for detail is something of which I possessed....not to mention...perhaps this may be another adventure brewing?


    Sunshine New Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Good morning Lee.

    "Astroprojection", hmmm.

    I do know that I remember feeling as if I had come "home" but the time, of course, was from a far away ancient period - but it seemed that I lived there, indeed;

    just as the two novels underway remind me that I seemed to have traverse the grasses of the plains, as well.

    We shall have to consider and study upon that, m'friend.

    Thank you for leading me to this wonderful site!

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    Sunshine's detailed dreams could also just be a reflection of a very talented, creative, imaginative mind. Writers imagine similar scenarios in their waking lives; there's nothing supernatural about a gifted person imagining a vivid, detailed scenario in her sleeping life.

    LeeJ New Member

    May 17, 2005
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    Well then, that settles that perspective, and I was so hoping for the astroprojection senerios :( ...but yes, Marcia, realistically, you are correct, only b/c I know kari and her brilliant creative writing ability...
    she is truely gifted, to say the least. Thank you much for bringing back down to earth.... :D

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