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Hometown Blues

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by babydreamer, Nov 15, 2004.

Hometown Blues


    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Hey Everyone

    I know its been a while since I've been here but life gets crazy like know what I mean :shock:

    Here's another dream that I'm curious about & would like opinions on but first some background

    I've been in an off/on relationship for a very long time. The reason why is mainly because I grew up abused, have issues with trust intimacy, etc etc so its been rough :?

    Also, I noticed that when something is bothering me inside, my dreams tend to be a bit violent, dark & this is what I dreamt this morning

    I was in Philadelphia (EJs hometown...EJ is my boyfriend) and there were some sort of riots/floods or whatever going on so there was nothing but chaos going on...oddly enough..the whole city seemed full of men only..the only woman around was me

    The men were loud, aggressive and scary...I just had this feeling that at any moment..I would somehow be raped &/or killed..I kept trying to find my way outside of the city but it was almost as though the city itself kept turning like the earth

    I'd notice a familiar landmark that would have my heart jump for joy..I'd walk a few blocks & it would shift..I'd be in some other part of the city & the landmark would be gone

    There was water everywhere, the men were shouting from stores, street corners, etc

    I was walking around trying to find a way out..trying to be inconspicuous
    Sometimes it worked, other times it didnt..a man or 2 would follow me for a while &/or say something to me before he decided to leave me alone

    When I finally did find ladies it was more potential violence. Somehow I ran into my cousin..where a fight between her & someone else was about to break out...I didnt want to be around for that but she was the only person I knew

    Eventually she sent me away..gave me some sort of comb/brush thing & told me to go bring it to my off I went back out into the craziness

    But it was interesting how it wasnt craziness..when I went out it became MY hometown (you know how dreams are) I went to the home of the lady who lived next door who use to babysit me :D

    My dreams of going home are always bittersweet..filled with the memories of adventures I'll never have again..going to the house I grew up in...being with people I had fun with..its all very safe & homey feeling :)

    Does this make sense? I'm wondering if this was more about the people...not the hometowns?

    I'm wondering if I see EJ as someone scary who could potentially shift at any moment to hurt me...but instead of dreaming that about him..I made it about his hometown?

    The truth about EJ is that he's been a very good friend to me all the time I've known him..always willing to be there for me..however, my upbringing was such that I always found it hard to trust anyone & unfortunately this includes him too :oops:

    We've talked about it some....he sees nothing really wrong with me but I beg to differ :roll:

    So whats the deal with this dream? Thoughts? :oops:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2018

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Was there actual water in the floods? Where the streets flooded? Water usually represents emotions; when we cry water comes out of our eyes, and flooding suggests a feeling of overwhelming emotions, plus you appear to be lost in your dream/emotions too... perhaps you are not used to having these emotions/feelings, or you are worried that they will carry you away, like flood waters or riots, and you'll be out of control? One thing to bear in mind is that floods are always temporary, they always go away; meaning your worries may rise for a while but they will subside too, even though you were lost in the streets you still made it back home, the home represents yourself by the way - you might not know how you made it back home, back to yourself, but your unconscious is telling you that you will somehow, no matter what happens, and everything will be normal - things only seem out of control sometimes but have a way of righting themselves, returning to equilibrium. Now, does any of that make any sense? :)

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Wow good questions! Yes the streets were flooded in the sense that the water was ankle high almost everywhere! I noticed it (interestingly enough) only when I was around the men :shock: I didnt notice any water when I was around my cousin. Also interesting was that when I was with the men in the streets walking was broad daylight with ankle high water...the streets were really was almost like poverty-striken

    When I ran into my was like in some alley and it was dark but no water..then when I went home it was also dark with no water...not sure what the light & dark thing is about though

    And yes that is feelings for EJ are not something I'm use to.
    Ok I've known him for a very long time now but I always worry that the minute that I let my feelings completely'll be like some tidal wave that I cant escape from :oops: it scares me very much

    It does make sense & I knew there was something there when I dreamt of his hometown & being lost there :shock:

    I guess I needed to make sure :D

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Wow it happened again Malj!

    This morning I dreamt that I was going over this bridge, which leads to Philadelphia & the water was so high and so wild that it was sucking people out of their cars & taking them away! :shock:

    Of course I didnt know that until I was practically on top of the situation

    I saw this man's car being sucked in & he grabbed onto a bar before it could take him too...thats when I hit the brakes, the car skidded a little & of course my car wound up getting sucked away

    I dont know how I got out but I watched it sink into the depths of the river which left me utterly in shock :shock:

    Then everyone involved went to this station where apparently all of the cars were recovered so you essentially had to go & pick out your car but I remember that my car wasnt there and I was having a fit wondering how they could find all of those other cars but not mine :roll:

    Then the dream switches & somehow I'm on the phone with EJ who seemed so sure & nonchalant about things :roll:

    I guess somewhere in between the car incident & the phone incident, I had been to some party where he was & I was pretending like I wasnt there to see what he was up to :roll:

    So he mentioned that he noticed me trying not to notice him & of course I felt like quite the idiot & he told me, once again, that he's not DOING anything with anyone and I think we just proceeded to go on with the conversation like nothing happened, but I did feel so weird because it was like once again, I side-stepped the real issue and headed straight for a "safe" conversation as opposed to what was really bothering me

    It just felt so empty after that...I told him about the car incident, etc felt like I was trying to get some sort of reaction out of see if he felt just as crazy & insecure as I did sometimes or was he always this cool & sure of me :roll:

    UUGGHHHH :evil:
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2018

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    Hi again, Babydreamer.

    I think the car accident situation has to do with feeling out of control. Your frustration with EJ's behavior also seems to indicate to me something about feeling unable to control your feelings toward/relationship with him.

    Hope that helped a bit :)

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Hey Marcia

    Yes that does help

    But the thing is, sometimes I get so stuck in my fear that I move forward but I never get anywhere....sorta like in my first dream that I wrote about

    I see something familiar...I feel like I'm moving towards an answer but something shifts & I go back to the beginning

    Generally speaking EJ is a good guy who has repeatedly tried to help me with my past & how that affects me but I think that I dont like being out of control

    And most of the dreams that scare me are about me not being in control

    Not being able to control how the other person feels about me...not being able to know if I'll be rejected or not...which in essence seems like such shit

    I've known EJ since I was 17....I'm 30 now....he's HAD plenty of chances to escape :lol: & he's told me more than a few times that hes not leaving that he will be in my life in some fashion

    Yet I just can't shake this fear & this is how it plays out...its always dark & scary in my dreams....somethng is always threatening me & EJ always seems just out of reach, close enough to touch yet for whatever reason...I cant reach him

    In real life he's not like that...hes very straight forward...I think my fear just puts him in another light in my head and I dont know how to undo that :oops:

    He encourages me to talk to him all the time but I always feel like if I put it all out there...then I'll be the puppet....he'll be the puppetmaster and all hell will break loose :shock:

    You'd think I'd know better :roll:

    EJ does know that I care about him, but he has made comments that lead me to believe that he doesnt know how deep it is for me and he doesnt know how much I suffer over this :?

    I wish it werent so :?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2018

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Can I ask do you have similar feelings/anxieties about EJ in your waking life or are they just confined to your dreams? Also the subconscious mind is very childlike and will often assume that bad experiences will be repeated until proved otherwise - so you can either be a victim of your subconscious fears or face up to them and see what happens, dreams can help sometimes but they can also mess us around a bit too; they work a bit like a computer program, expecting the same results all the time until new data (experience) is added, so sometimes you have to take charge and proactively add the data yourself by going ahead and doing some of the things your dreams are telling you to worry about, unless of course you really know you shouldn't be doing stuff in waking life (like beating people up or something) and your dreams are telling you to stop – but that’s something different entirely. :)

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Hey Malj

    Yes truthfully I am having anxieties about EJ in waking life but maybe its possible that I suppress them? Nahhh I'm well aware of my anxieties, I just think that the dreams REMIND me that I am holding onto too much

    I was thinking about this the other day..well I think about it everyday :roll: :lol: that I spend so much time protecting myself from him or preparing to protect myself :roll:

    Its almost like expecting something to go wrong so that I can be "right" to hold myself back from him

    Could it be that the water represents my inner struggle?
    Its hard to know how to feel...I go from feeling bad to scared then back again

    I feel bad because I feel like he's not getting what he needs because I'm too busy putting on the boxing gloves ready to start swinging at the slightest thing that I feel is "wrong" which seems almost like a set-up because he's bound to get things wrong :roll: he's human & he's not a mind-reader either yet I still find myself holding onto this

    It always comes back to fear :?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2018

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Water nearly always represents your soul, your emotions in dreams; if the water in your dreams is the way it is in your dreams. i.e. flooding, causing chaos etc then it's pretty fair to assume that your emotions are this way too - bearing in mind how important water is to everyone; we are born from water in the womb, we need water to live, we are made from mostly water, our subconscious uses images to get us to see its messages, it chooses the images according to how important it believes we think they are: so water imagery is very important, from our subconscious’ point of view, and our conscious’ one too. I don't want to say much more than that here, and I'm dead set against people who give too much personal advice to people they don't really know on message boards, advice that could be wrong and may upset their lives - all I can say is, if your subconscious thinks there is a problem, a reason to be anxious, and you yourself in waking life believe you might be suppressing anxieties then it's probably very real. I would seriously consider speaking to someone face-to-face, if you haven't already, like a counsellor who doesn't know you or EJ who can listen to everything you have to say. Or maybe I’m reading too much into it and it’s just the dreams you’re bothered about? Whatever the case, if the same/similar dreams keep coming back again and again, they’ll keep on doing so until something is resolved. :)

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Its ok Malj

    You're not saying anything that I havent considered already :wink:
    My anxieties go deeper than just dreams & I have gone back & forth with a therapist over this

    But at the end of the day, the therapist cant go home with you, they cant sit there while you make phonecalls & tell you to move past your fears

    Its just you & the demons :evil:

    Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose but its something that no one can really help you with, they can help you understand the source & maybe how to slowly move past it but again, its still one-on-one once you get home :shock:

    I was just curious about the water thing because it does scare me now

    Its not a paralyzing fear but whenever I'm watching a show & it has some type of dark ocean scene, I tend to get a little more excited than I should, especially for someone sitting at home who has no plans on being near the ocean any time soon :roll:

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Okay I had a look at our dream dictionary for this site and noticed the entry for 'water' was a bit lacking, so I wrote a special page on water dreams: Click Here to see it. Also, if you really want to delve deeper into it, there's a couple of relevant books if you click the logo at the top of the 'Water Dreams' page and scroll down the results. :)
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2018

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    Very good we were right! :wink:

    Dreams of being swallowed up and covered with water are very common; these are anxiety dreams which show that the unconscious is negative and holding you back – often the central image in a case like this is most likely the mother.

    I believe this to be true, except for the mother part, but they ARE anxiety dreams which are negative & holding me back :D

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    Great! I mean that it makes sense of course, not that your anxiety dreams are holding you back. :)

    babydreamer New Member

    Jul 18, 2004
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    :wink: Now the work begins :shock:

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