Had a kip yesterday afternoon as I was soooo tired, couldnt sleep last night and when I did manage too i woke up early this morning, now I hv to go to work soon and I'm knackered. Roll on bedtime tonight.
this might sound odd; but when this happens to me I spend the whole day mocking my body for keeping me awake, knowing that sleep will come easy by bedtime. Everytime I do something silly because I'm too tired, like banging my head on something; I go haha, you deserve that for keeping me awake
As it turned out my daughter decided to spew this morning and sat crying with her head over a bowl, hence, no work for me...could hardly leave her like that, bless.
one of my clients has cancelled today so I only have to work for two hours... it does mean I'll miss out on a free MacDonalds though :smiler:
Ferret husbandry??? - excuse my ignorance, but what is that then? Sounds scary, if even a little painful... :twisted:
I'm not even sure if there is such a thing; Just that Prom is always making jokes about me owning ferrets, whippets, greyhounds and wearing flat caps etc. Because I live in York atm or 'Up North' as they say edit: I forgot, Husbandry n. 1. farming 2. economy
ohhhh righhht! now i know... anyway everyone knows that Northerners don't just have ferrets and greyhounds and stuff, they lead interesting and wonderful lives also keeping racing pigeons and putting alloys on their tractors! :wink: oops sorry didn't spell their correctly first time round!
Hmmm, cow tipping, a little bit mean, can't say I've ever done it myself, but then again I'm from the Midlands so there you go...(not said in a Brummie accent, so don't even go there!) :twisted: