Lately, say in the past week or so I've had many differant dreams and such, but mostly, and always there is this girl I know from school there... The dreams range from me searching for her and being unable to find her and sometimes just seeing her and some other interactions i cant remember since I havent made my dream journal yet. The dreams are so powerful that one night I was at my friends house sleeping on the bottom bunk and he was on the top bunk that I was having a jealousy dream where my older brother, for some odd reason, was holding hands with her and spinning in circles, which really mad me mad, so when the alarm went off I found myself elbowing his wall and I took a swing at his hand... =/ I dont really understand why shes been in my dreams, I've had several dreams with her in it and its not stopping... so im trying to figure out what it all means and I ask you guys maybe to give me some help.. =P Thanks Omen
Hello and welcome Omen. I don't know how well you know this girl, or what your relationship with her is. If she's on your mind a lot in real life, then it's only natural that you would dream about her. The dream doesn't necessarily mean that you have romantic feelings about her, just that she's on your mind somehow. The dreams could have all mixed up components, for example, you could have her in the back of your mind and at the same time be jealous of someone else for something totally unrelated, so it turns into a dream about jealousy that involves her. It would be very normal to have a dream about jealousy that involves your brother; there are all sorts of reasons for siblings to be jealous of one another in real life. Or some aspect of this girl's looks, personality, etc. could subconsciously remind you of something in your life that your mind is trying to bring to the surface. It's really hard to tell without knowing more details about your relationship with this girl in waking life.
Well, in my waking life as you say, I see her at school and I think shes the pretiest girl ever, even though other dont... So, im dont know why I didnt think of it but its probably what you said, romantice feelings, must of had them for awhile,cant do anything about it though =P. Well, just to tell you, I had another dream about her just last night, was laying in bed for three hours before I could finally sleep, focusing on going into lucid sleep (really wanna have an OBE or Astral Projection) and had a very vivid dream, for the first time I actually remember it all, and I wrote it down when I woke up, but anyways, it was another jealousy dream where some other guy had her and I didnt, weird part is, she was all flush and red cheeked, and also had freckles (which she doesnt have in real life), the reason is he did somthing to her, made me mad and when I see that guy, woo, watch out =P, well, hoping good dreams on you (and hopefully some replies) Omen
Well, I don't understand why you can't do anything about it :?: I think she would enjoy knowing that you think she's the prettiest girl ever.
Wow, fast respond =P Well, yeah, you know, that whole male thing, being afraid of rejection and stuff, looking for answers in my sleep now... Another thing, had to edit for it, can you find answers to such a complex thing as that in dreams??? Stupid Question, maybe, need insight :wink: Omen
Have you told her yet? I think you should, no matter how scary it is; even if she turns you down you can be proud of yourself for having the courage to tell her in the first place, and you'll be doing a good thing for her by boosting her self-esteem. Better to be rejected than always wondering; even a chance that something nice can happen is worth a shot every time, that's what I think anyway.
I agree with Maljonic. Also, if she really is as pretty as you say, nice boys might often be afraid to ask her out for fear of rejection, so she might be a bit lonely.