Hello, I had a dream last night where I was getting on a boat from California to go to France through the Atlantic... (I'm from France) There were 2 adults, and 3 young adults including me, although Im 31! The boat was comfortable. The floor would go down to sleep with some kind of electronic device. I was sleeping with another girl next to me. She had her period, and suddenly in the room, there was a sink and she was cleaning the blood she had everywhere on her hands and on the floor. I offered her a tampon but she declined saying that she doesn't like tampons. I also thought about my mum's birthday which is coming soon and that I couldn't offer her her present since I will be on the boat. I woke up feeling weird this morning. Any suggestion? Thank you!
Since the dream is about going from California to France, where you are from, it seems like the dream is about your going back to your roots, trying to be the person you used to be. When you said "There were 2 adults, and 3 young adults including me, although Im 31! ", did you mean that you were younger in the dream than in real life? (Sorry, that part confused me.) The girl not wanting to take a tampon from you and just letting blood spill all over everything makes me think of you trying to hide something or repressing it, but a part of you, represented by the girl, knows that you have to let everything out no matter how dirty or ugly it may seem. Not being able to give your mum a present could have to do with not being able to live up to your mum's expectations.
Hi Marcia, Thank you!! I actually had the same age in that dream but I felt like a kid traveling with his parents or someone who has authority. The interpretation totally makes sense