Last night i had a dream about listening to a person i been involved with talking with his wife...they were in bed and they were talking about how to make their relationship better ..i was somewhere listening and it felt so real..then i went to a big party with all of them and thier friends and they were all really nice to me and i tried to fit in...a black cat kept jumping out at me and onto my back and im really scared of cats ... its hard to write into words how real my dreams are like watching a movie sometimes...then it ended with me finding a friends daughter walking quite far away from her house to try to get to her dad's house... it then went onto me taking a pregnancy test out the bin that i thought was negative but infact was positive..i felt so happy then i woke up!!!! ANY IDEAS???
Are you in a relationship with someone now? The dream could be about you thinking about how you could have a good relationship or about how you could make that relationship better. You could be comparing the relationship that person has with his wife to the way your relationships are now. Dreaming that you are pregnant and happy about it could have to do with you wanting to be pregnant or just generally feel more "settled down" with someone. Since you are afraid of cats, the cat could represent fears that you have about relationships. Black cats are supposed to be bad luck, so it could have to do with the idea of being "unlucky in love".