I had this starange dream last night that i was wearing a wedding dress walking down the street of my home town in ireland with the wedding cake in my hand. Along the way to meet my mum and dad, i dropped the cake and broke into i think 4 pieces and i was carrying the cake in my arms and holing on with my chin. While i was walking i saw lots of people i knew but i was upset for the reasons my husband to be (my current boyfriend)wasnt there he was in england and it seemed we were getting married over the phone. Very strandge. When i got to my mum and dad i was upset saying im not getting married here im going back to get married in england where my boyfriend was. She and dad knew i wasnt happy and so said ok lets go and then i woke up. Anyone know what this means plz
Are you engaged to your boyfriend in waking life? If so, I think you are worried about what could go wrong with the wedding and what could go wrong with your future with him.
Not engaged Hi Marcia, no im not engaged to him but we have made plans for the future but it all depends on how his divorce goes, as ex wife playing hard ball and so it all hinges on how she will settle to when we get to move in together and on with our lives.
Yes, I think it has to do with you being worried about your future with him, especially with his ex wife causing problems. Maybe you are secretly hoping that the two of you will get married and you are worried that it will never happen because his divorce isn't final.