I keep having basically the same dream over and over again. I am at my ex's parents' (it of course never looks like their place but I know it is theirs.) I talk to his family and after a while they kinda start to tune on me and tell me that Mark* is on his way and I should leave or sometimes they somewhat ignore me. I try to leave and never can. I keep ending up somewhere in the house or yard as more and more of his family shows. Then Mark* and his girlfriend show up. I don't want to see them and so I keep trying to leave and his family keeps telling me "Mark* and (inaudible name) are here, aren't you going to leave?" I tell them "I am trying, I don"t want to see them." But I am never able to leave and it is so frustrating because I want out so badly and I feel so turned around and upset. Sometimes in the dreams I do see her and her appearance is never the same (I have no idea what she looks like) and her look changes several times within the dreams as well. Sometimes I will see him and he is typically very rude or ignores me. Other dreams he starts out nice and in the end turns into this horrible person. Most of the time, however, it is just them telling me about them or him and never seeing either. Please someone tell me so I can put this dream to rest....pun intended
In RL I think his family is great! I will still from time to time see or talk to them. In RL I have been trying to move on for a very longtime, but Mark* will out of the blue send me a text and I have to start over again. In RL I have told him it is best we don"t talk, so hopefully I won't hear from him again, this time! I feel most of the dream makes sense now, but just not about his family. There was one part of one dream that was different. I mentioned before how it always gets worse and worse with Mark*, but in one dream it end with me walking toward the gate and before I got to it he stopped me and started to sing to me, the song was either about "please don't go" or "come back." I don't recall which, but I know it was one or the other. I wanted to cry, but didn't and turned away and started walking again, then I woke up.
Maybe his family in the dream represent your conflict thoughts about Mark. They represent the part of you that knows you should move on, that he is moving on with his life and so should you. The part where he tells you to come back or not to go is probably wish fulfillment.