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First Kiss dream?

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by painteddreams419, May 1, 2007.

First Kiss dream?


    painteddreams419 New Member

    May 1, 2007
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    I had a very strange/exciting dream the other night when I was sleeping over at my friend Kristen's house (I'm 13, haha). In the dream I met a new friend and she was from a really bad part of town and her family was so poor, she had never been to a mall before. So I brought her to the mall and we saw a girl there from my school who I really hate, so we left the store we were in.
    As we were leaving, we ran into another person I know, a guy friend from my class who I have a mild crush on, we'll call him Mark. When I saw Mark I ran up to him and gave him a big hug and in the dream (I would never do this in real life unless he was my boyfriend). I wanted to kiss him on the cheek but I was too afraid. Well, to my suprise, he kissed me (on the cheek)! In my dream now I wanted to go for kissing him on the lips but I was way too scared. Somehow I knew that he wanted to kiss me too but he had the same feelings.
    Mark joined us in our shopping and then I woke up. When I woke up I was very excited and I felt like I was in love lol! But I woke up wishing I had kissed him in the dream. What should I make of this? Is Mark going to be my first kiss? I know that Mark likes Kristen and not me, but ever since my dream I can't stop thinking about him!

    Maljonic Dream 老师

    May 8, 2003
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    I don't think your dream means that he's going to be your first kiss, or your boyfriend. I'm not saying this isn't ever going to happen, just that I don't believe dreams make accurate predictions in that way. Sometimes you may dream about someone in a romantic way but they might not like you that way at all, so obviously nothing would happen there.

    What I mean is don't rely on dreams as a pointer on how you should behave in waking life, sometimes they are just a kind of wish-fulfilment and may only relfect your feelings and not those of others in dreams.

    Also sometimes other people in dreams don't always represent themselves, but the idea that that person signifies to you. For instance if you have a friend in waking life who has a boyfriend, you might dream about that boyfriend kissing you - but it doesn't always mean that you fancy that person, it could just mean that you like the idea of having a boyfriend and your subconscious mind, only having "Mark" as an example of what a boyfriend looks like, uses his image in your dreams to represent a boyfriend.

    You know, I'm not even sure if that makes any sense? :)

    Anyway the subconscious, dreaming mind is very basic sometimes - very simplistic - and only uses ideas and images that you see in waking life to try and make meaningful dreams with. So if the only car you ever see in waking life is a blue Jeep then your brain will use an image of a blue Jeep to represent a car... so if the only person, or main person, you know of in waking life who can be labelled a "boyfriend" is your friend's boyfriend then your brain might use his image to represent the idea of "boyfriend" in your dreams.

    Of course the above can be pretty much ignored if you really do fancy this guy like crazy, in which case it is a simple wish-fulfillment dream...

    Skellington New Member

    Dec 3, 2010
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    Similar Story

    I had a dream kind of similar to yours. I have a crush on this guy who goes to my school, and although I would never act on my feelings (unless he approached me first) I did in this dream, well sort of anyway. All I remember was lying down somewhere cozy (I think some kind of tent I don't know) with him beside me, and we were talking and then all the sudden he kisses me on the cheek, and I get the most euphoric feeling, I had never experienced before. It was so lovely, it made me so happy and tingly inside, my heart went all a flutter. Soon after I wanted to kiss him back, but I just couldn't and I know that he wasn't mad about it, he understood that I was too nervous and then it ended. It was one of the happiest dreams I have ever had. I feel like in your case it could be a sign of repressed or growing feelings for him or it could be nothing. I too felt in love, but I couldn't really be because I don't really know everything about him, I am just in love with his personna and image, the things I do know about him and this kind of character that I have created is what I lust over. To really know if you love him you have to spend more time with him I guess. I am not an expert on these things, I am only sharing my experience and ideas. :)

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    This kind of dream also helps to give you an idea of what you really want in a boyfriend/girlfriend.

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