I had this dream a couple years ago. I woke up and went out into the living room on Christmas and I saw a tube like vacuum from underneath my couch taking my presents. I looked outside and there were three men in white coats (thing big ones with the fur collar thing) I went to get my mom or someone but for some reason no one was home so I tried screaming but nothing came out. Then I woke up. Any Ideas?
Could you have felt that something was sucking the energy or enjoyment out of your life? What did the men in white coats remind you of? White coat makes me think of doctor, but the fur collars makes me think of a 1970s TV pimp.
Not pimp. its more like the big marshmallow coats with fur thing on the hood. they were wearing goggles too.
Well, a big, heavy coat and goggles sounds like it has to do with hiding from someone or protecting yourself from someone or something.