My grand daughter is 4 years old and has always had a vivid imagination !. Used to see my dead parents things like that. Well this week shes been sleep walking and crying in her sleep. My daughter found her asleep on the top landing outside her bedroom. So she put her back in bed ...hour later she was opening and closing my bedroom door, I didnt notice her just put it down to having my windows open. The hear my daughter saying to her what are you doing. Think she was asleep while she was doing this;. So this morning she gets up and first thing she says is she was having a nightmare about....her and her mummy (my daughter) and her mummys frieind and her little lad all went to the swimming baths and Peters teeth started to come out then her started doing the same thing. Seems to have worried her as shes mentioned it a few times today.A few months ago I bought her a dream catcher she was havbing dreams then and for a while it seemed to work. So after last night I said you know what it is the dream catcher needs cleaning its full of bad dreams. So hung it on the line outside and told her the sun would clean it for it and it would be clean for all the bad dreams ( its a nanny thing lol).Anyone help me shes a happy little soul otherwise. AA
Sleepwalking is pretty common in small children. Can your daughter keep your grandaughter locked in her bedroom at night so there isn't a chance that she might accidently hurt herself? I would be especially worried about her tripping and falling downstairs or climbing out of an open window. Could the dream have to do with her being worried about losing her baby teeth in real life? Does she know that she will be losing some of her teeth or does she know other children who have started losing their teeth already? I think the dream catcher is a very good idea. Have you told her about the Tooth Fairy?
Hiya Marcia, Due to only having 2 bedrooms she sleeps in her mams room has her own pink bed the dream catcher is also pink ( can you see a theme here lol) is above her bed. We dont worry so much about her falling down the stairs as we have a german shep who sleeps outside and sometimes inside the bedroom with them very protective. She goes to the dentist every 6 months and they say shes got good baby teeth. I know they will come out in the end and she must be due but I dont want to have her worried about them coming out when shes asleep. Im sure the tooth fairy will appear soon lol. I dont think any of her freinds has lost teeth yet Im sure she would have mentioned it lol..Its just she has some very weird dreams for a 4 year old.Thanks for your advice. AA
Ive just been reading on of your other replies Marcia and it was about losing teeth in a dream and you said it can mean they are worried about their apperence. The other night my daughter and her freind were going on a night out and both had brought new dresses. When my daughters freind called and my daughter answered the door I could hear my grand daughter crying !. I said whats the matter and her reply was....I look scruffy I dont have any new clothes like mummy and her freind. ( now thats a lie for a start off lol.)She sobbed her little heart out over it.Shes very clothes minded everything has to match like the right pink shoes with a certain dress or socks to match her boots. There is murder if I try to dress her and nothing matches.....shes only 4 God help me when shes about 12/13 lol AA