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A Week's Worth of Weird Dreams

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by tnc0712, Aug 9, 2010.

A Week's Worth of Weird Dreams


    tnc0712 New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    I hardly ever remember my dreams, and this week alone, I've had 5 really strange dreams that I remember very clearly... Any idea what any of them could mean?

    In the first one I had, I was redoing the outline of my tattoo, and the colors inside the outline kept disappearing.

    in the second one, someone I knew in my dream had given birth to a full term baby. it was alive, but couldn't move, or cry... i...t was like the baby was paralyzed. and the doctors kept going on about the baby having EF (which isn't a disease).

    I've also been dreaming about being pregnant with triplets, and having three positive pregnancy tests... (two different dreams)

    And the latest... The boyfriend and I were in the Jeep, driving down the road... we stopped at the light in front of the sheriffs office, and noticed that his favorite pants, belt and flip flops were in the road. we got the pants and belt, and then the light changed, so we had to go... we circled around to get the flip flops, and there was a traffic jam, so we had to wait... and then i woke up.

    Marcia Dream Fairy

    Feb 19, 2004
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    It's interesting that you hardly ever remember your dreams, and now you are remembering a lot of them. Are you going through any major changes in your life? Have you started or stopped taking any drugs or vitamins (or changed the dosage)?

    I think that the dream in which you try to redo the outline of your tattoo could mean that you want to change the way other people see you but are finding it hard to do.

    Regarding the pregnancy/baby dreams - are you thinking about/trying to have a baby in real life, or are you pregnant?

    If you are't being pregnant or having a baby can represent the beginning of somethng new in your life - the start of a new phase in your life or the beginning of a new project.

    The dream where you give birth to a baby that you didn't move could be about fear that something you are involved in or working on isn't going to turn out the way you planned.

    Do the letters EF mean anything to you?

    How did you feel in the dream about having triplets? In waking life, that could be very exciting, but also very difficult and stressful. If you found it hard in the dream, that could be another sign that things might not turn out as good as you expected.

    The dream about your boyfriends clothes being on the road could also have to do with thoughts about how you appear to others.

    tnc0712 New Member

    Aug 9, 2010
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    On the tattoo, that could be true. I'm trying to become a nurse, and I'm not sure that tattoos are very professional...

    I'm not actively trying not to have a baby, but it's not something I'm actively planning either. I'm kinda in the "if it happens, it happens" group. But, I am starting college (for the second time) in less than 2 weeks.

    I haven't changed medications, or vitamin routines... Actually, I don't take medication for anything... so this is definately out. I do take vitamins though...

    The letters EF have no meaning, so I'm still confused on this...

    And, I was kinda excited to be having triplets... Multiples run in my family, so that would have been great.

    And, I was thinking on the dream about my boyfriends clothes... We've had ups and downs in the last 2 years, and he cheated on me once, so a part of me could be worried about that... I dunno...

    Thanks for your reply though! It made a good bit of sense.

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