Many times I have had dreams about protecting other people and/or myself from some kind of bad thing...some enemy. I almost always am a "knight" type character with a sword no matter what type of enemy it is. The odd thing is in those dreams nearly every time I am male, even though sometimes somewhere in the back of my dream mind I know I am female. Even in other dreams I often end up being a male unless it more of a nightmare...then I tend to be female. I don't want to be a male in real life, and I am not sure why I always appear that way in dreams. Hopefully that makes a bit of sense anyway. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
It's quite common to be the opposite gender in dreams. Being a man could represent your traditionally "masculine" qualities - strength, assertiveness, reason, etc. The dream is showing that you are a strong person and can deal with the bad things that happen to you.
I did not really think of it, but that does make sense. I am glad to know it is common and I am not weird!