Something I was wondering about. I have always just naturally had lucid dreams. When I was younger, when I told people that I always know that I'm dreaming while I'm having the dream, they've always said they feel sorry for me, I think because I don't get the experience of completely escaping from my waking life when I am dreaming. Now I see that people who don't naturally lucid dream are trying all types of techniques to get themselves to lucid dream, and there are tons of instructions on how to make yourself have lucid dreams. It seems a bit strange that lucid dreaming now seems to be something that everyone wants to do, when in my past it was treated like something of a disability. So if you aren't a natural lucid dreamer, but are trying to get yourself to lucid dream, or you have been able to find a method that enabled you to lucid dream, why did you try? What did you think you would get out of it? One benefit I can think of is if you had a scary dream, you would know it wasn't real so you wouldn't be very frightened, but I don't usually have scary dreams anyway.
I considered at one time buying one of those goggles you wear for lucid dreaming (promoted by lucid dreams author Stephen LaBerge )and when your eyes go in to REM, a light flashes, signaling you to stay in the dream and be conscious that you are dreaming. But I decided against it and just let nature take its course. I've had a few lucid dreams on my own without trying. It's great because while in the dream, I had a feeling of empowerment that Hey, I'm dreaming, I can do anything I want. And that's what's so great about lucid dreaming. It allows you to be whatever you want and do whatever you want. Unfortunately for me, I've only had that experience a couple of times. I remember one other time in dream I thought I possessed supernatural strength and was very disappointed that I didn't and couldn't lift the table. I tried lifting the heavy wooden table with one hand and balancing it and couldn't. I think maybe fear of getting hurt took over. Even though I knew it was dream, it also seemed very real.
I've had a few lucid dreams naturally and I thought it was kind of nice. Considering that I am currently dealing with constant nightmares I was very relieved to have the lucid dream. Anyways I know that it might sound weird but I used my lucid dream to think about my position in life and to just generally brainstorm. Honestly I would love to be able to have the ablility to just use my dreams to think about whatever every night.
I occasionally have lucid dreams, but usually with dreams that I have had before. I realize that I'm dreaming, and that I've had the same dream or a similar dream before. Usually, I tend to want to explore the dream further, or try to make the dream end differently. If things go wrong in the dream, I can consciously wake myself up. It's not something I try to do, but I find it useful because I make decisions and have access to reason while I am dreaming, and I also remember more of my dream with lucid dreams.
If I become aware that I am dreaming, I try to control the dream - but often I can't, which is frustrating. But it does help me deal with the dream, as I can remind myself it isn't real - sometimes it helps me not get so stressed. Sometimes it doesn't. The worst kind of dream is when you realise you are dreaming, and then you dream you wake up, and you think you are awake, but then something terrible happens and you don't realise you are still asleep. Kind of the opposite of lucid dreaming when instead of not thinking about it, you are SURE you are awake. I hate that.