I had this dream that really freaked me out last night, so I just did a quick google search and found this site. Hopefully you can give me some insight as to what the heck is going on in my head. It started out with me getting lost from my friends at a mall and I was trying to find them again. Instead I happened to run into an ex (my first real boyfriend, from about 3 years ago) whom I haven't spoken to or even seen in real life in well over a year. We just started talking and one thing led to another and we ended up back at my house about to have sex. (I don't like him anymore, so I'm not sure why this was happening) All of a sudden I started to cry and ran out of the room. He came after me and asked what was wrong and I said that I couldn't do it because the last time we did I had gotten pregnant and had to have an abortion (not true whatsoever, I've never even had sex with him in real life, I was only 15 when we dated!). They guy was really sympathetic and not upset by this news. He told me it would help if we imagined what the child would have looked like now, if it had been born. Thats the last I remember from it. So weird. :rasta: Thoughts?
Hi and Welcome! You were upset at the thought of having the abortion? Or were you upset with the thought of having sex with this guy you no longer like? If it's the former, you may be upset at getting rid of your "inner child," that person that wants instant gratification, approval, and security. It could be a life passage dream, a sort of transition between child and adulthood. You are giving up childish things for more responsibility.
Yeah, I was mostly upset about the abortion. I have known that I want to be a mother since I was about that young (15) and I would never have an abortion in real life (not that I'm judging, I am pro-choice), so I think it was my maternal side that was upset by the loss. And you're probably right about the transition to adulthood. I've just started university and everything around me seems to be changing, so maybe I'm just coming to grips with the fact that I will never be the same person as I was when I was with this guy. Not too sure how I feel about it though.
abortion can mean stoping an action at the last second.. dosen't neccessirilly have to be a pregnacy...