I saw one last week that wasn't so tiny. It looked like THIS! Now, I don't know what type of spider mine was, couldn't find anything exactly like it, but it freaked the beejeezus out of me. I killed it with my shoe, then had to wipe up the guts afterward. Little spiders don't freak me, but when they start to become the size of the palm of your hand, then I freak! :scared:
That is a big spider, but it's still a tiny creature in my book if you can kill it with a shoe. Anyway, it's the little things you have to watch out for.
I dreamed that I was being eaten alive by spiders. I've been hallucinating and seeing spiders since I was a kid. It's just somehting in my psyche.
The spider in one's dream represents an emotional aspect of one's own nature - an aspect which gives one the ability, motivation or inclinatin towrds self deception. [Note how the spider's main activity is to spin its web - 'the web of illusion and delusion'.] Usually spiders are feared because most people instinctively fear the possibility that they could be deceiving themselves. This is especially true for women whose feelings are of much greater importance to them since their nature is emotional and they need to trust that their feelings are telling them the truth. Deceiving or fooling themselves would be unacceptable. In most dreams, the concern about possible self deception is shown to be unfounded. But, there are some exceptions and one has to read the total dream imagery with care.
I had a dream that there was a medium sized poisonous spider (my brother told me so) and I disregarded this and let it crawl around my body. I then woke up from my dream within a dream to find myself paranoid of the same spider even though i knew i woke up. I thought it was on my blanket so, naturally, it appeared there and i freaked. It spun a single shot of web and slid down it to my door and just stopped moving. Perhaps the meaning is that although the spider's web of illusion is bad (poisonous) i allowed myself to be exposed to it. Then i realized my mistake and illusion was gone.