hey guys! i had this terrible dream last night although it was a bit short, but here it is anyways... i was in a type of a cafeteria/supermarket and a woman ( i did not know who ) came up to me and started talking to me about my great grandmother (who btw is actually alive) and she said she was very sick (which is the total opposite if her she is very healty) and that she could die soon, so i started to cry and so did she.. then stood up and grabbed a food cart (like the ones in a supermarket) when i went into an isle i saw this old friend and her brother (i had not seen her for 2 or 3 years we used to go to school together) and then i found the woman again she told me the same thing she had before i saw my friend then i saw my friend again but this time she was standing over a table next to her brother just looking at me, then i kept speaking to the woman and woke up. i would really appreatiate telling me if my greatgrandmother is going to be ok because she is 99 years old and it would be very sad if she left us... :cry: thanks in advance... grace
You're great grandmother will die eventually. Her advanced age means its only a matter of time. I'm more interested in the woman that told you she was going to die. Does she remind you of anyone you know in reality? If so, do you like this person? Why do you think she cried too at the news about your great grandmother? This person could represent someone who seems to put a damper on things, someone who seems to suck the life energy out of people and seeks attention. This could be what the dream is actually about.
well... no i can't remember anyone who is like that, but if i know anyone like that... im not too sure i'd like them too much... why does that have to do with anything :S?
Sometimes its the little details or the things you may think are insignificant that actually help you make sense of the dream. It could be that tie that binds.
sometimes i just start thinking "dreams are a wish your heart makes" but never come true... in this dream's case what my heart would least want to happen.:scared: