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Girl of my dreams.

Discussion in 'Your Dream Interpretation' started by jms62531, Oct 11, 2011.

Girl of my dreams.


    jms62531 New Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    First of all, I would like to thank those who created this community. Without it, I wouldn't be able to get this off my mind.

    Anyhow, I went to bed rather late last night with no thoughts whatsoever running through my mind. Anyhow, I don't remember much about the dream other than one specific point. This girl, whom I never met before nor have I seen in my life ever was sitting with me at this table. The surroundings were unfamiliar as well. I come from a small town. The kind of town where you know everybody, so I haven't seen many people outside of this town. I can assure anyone that I haven't met or even seen this girl in my life. Let's continue, there we both are, sitting at a table. She's sitting across to me and the song "The Scientist" by Coldplay was playing in the background. I happened to be holding her hands. They were soft and smooth. Almost as if I was actually touching the hands of this girl. I never experienced anything remotely close to this experience. Usually my dreams are linear, but this one, I could feel everything, hear everything, see everything. Nothing before that particular scene I can remember and I woke up after feeling how real her hands were. I woke up and felt the strangest feeling ever. For the first time, I felt like I was in love, but it was just a dream.

    Can anyone interpret this and see what this means? Though, never having companionship, I never really wanted love either. Could that be what this dream told me? In my conscious mind however, I'm not ready for love. I'm 20 years old, but I just don't think I could provide, nor make anyone happy. Besides, my life is pretty decent without love. I feel a bit lonely since my fathers passing back in January, but other than that, I don't feel too bad.

    Also, I apologize if this is in the wrong section. However, this is a dream that I would like to be interpreted, so I posted here.
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2011

    BobW Moderator

    May 26, 2011
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    Join the club. Feel free to drop by my dream diary and read it through (from the bottom up. The last episode is at the top of the page.)

    I'll let others take the lead in interpreting. I've got some ideas; but frankly, the advice from here is: Enjoy!

    jms62531 New Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Thank you sir, I've actually been a lurker here for quite some time, but I've experienced a dream that I need answers with so I've decided to post one. I'll be sure to read your dream diary, they look fairly interesting to say the least.

    The more interpretations this receives, the better! I wouldn't mind hearing some of yours, but I also look forward to other ideas in the future.

    BobW Moderator

    May 26, 2011
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    As nobody else has come up to comment, I'll share some thoughts with you.

    1. Dreams can be compensatory. (Example: dull waking life, exciting dreams; exciting waking life, dull dreams.) Are you in a waking world relationship? If not, your dreams could be compensating by giving you this lady.

    2. Carl Jung and other psychologists posit that we have a contrasexual element in our unconcious. In men, he called it the anima; in women, the animus. Given the way we come to be, it makes sense that we each have male and female elements in us. This lady could personify your anima. (After all, living between your ears as she does, who could be closer to you?) What can get confusing here is that different dream women can represent different aspects.

    3. The Susan dreams, set as they are in 1965 and 1969, represent a time when I would've probably been too shy to do much more than say "Hi" to such a lovely lady; and I certainly wouldn't have had the gumption to spend a summer living with one. The last occurs at a time when I could've had my future in the DC metro area or in Kansas. I would eventually choose Kansas. So, I think of Susan as The Girl Who Never Was and The Future That Never Happened.

    4. The four dreams occur in "real world" 1986, when I'm 14 years married and coming up on age 42, and in alcohol recovery. For reasons that are hard to set out, I think they represent an "alternate past." Maddeningly unreal; but still part of my concious mind.

    5. A general comment: Sometimes the mere experience of a dream is more important than its interpretation. We can speculate on in what manner dream characters like your lady and my Susan are "real" 'til the cows come home; but that they have they impact that they do shows they are "real" in some way. You had a memorable time with a lovely girl; and may well see her again. As I say, Enjoy!

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