Lame Dream Meanings

If you dream that you have become lame, it can mean that you have lost confidence in yourself.

You may have suffered a setback that has caused you to become unsure of your abilities.

Being lame in a dream can mean that you have encountered an obstacle that you fear is insurmountable.

Physical lameness in a dream can sometimes symbolize emotional or intellectual weakness.  A dream of physical lameness can be a sign that you need to become more emotionally or intellectually aware.

In dreams, the left side is often associated with the feminine qualities of sensitivity and receptiveness, while the right side is often associated with the masculine qualities of strength and assertiveness.

Therefore, a dream of lameness on your left side can be a message that you need to be more sensitive and more understanding of others, while a dream of lameness on your right may mean that you need to be stronger and more assertive.

If you have a religious or spiritual bent, a dream of physical lameness can be a reminder that the physical world is imperfect, and that you should seek perfection in the spiritual.

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