Being by ourselves and isolated in dreams can show that we have a lack of confidence in our independence from others.
Loneliness is a negative concept, but the idea of being alone can often be positive, sometimes we wish to be left alone.
You should be able to tell by the feelings in your dream whether or not being alone was a positive experience.
If you dream of being alone had positive connotations it could be telling you that you don’t need anyone else to get you through your current situation.
However, if being alone was a negative experience in your dream it could be suggesting that you seek help from others.
Being alone in a dream can have a positive or a negative meaning.
If you are happy being alone in our dream, you may be feeling content with yourself in real life. The dream may be expressing a feeling of happiness and self-confidence.
On the other hand, being alone and happy in a dream can represent a wish to be left alone. You could be experiencing too much stress and too much pressure from other people in real life. The dream may mean that you want to be left alone from your responsibilities.
If you are alone and unhappy in your dream, you are feeling lonely in real life, although you may not want to admit it to yourself. Perhaps you have ended a relationship or experienced a loss. You may have moved home or started a new job so that you are spending all your time around unfamiliar people. You may feel that nobody around you understands you.
Dreaming that you are alone and unhappy is a message that you need to reach out and make connections with the people around you.